
We seem to be surrounded

By those who view all things

In the worst possible light.

They see only poverty, infirmity

Discrimination, destitution.


Collecting their grievances like remote control vacuum cleaners.

They are desperate to prolong the agony

in order suit their own vengeful agenda.

Condemning sufferers to their fate

Reducing all of us

to the lowest common denominator

Then presiding over their desired

desolate, miserable state.


I can enjoy good health

can live in comfort.

Enjoy the success of my loved ones.

Though never having been blessed

with privilege or good fortune.


What was it that helped me through

the very worst times of my life?

That long dark tunnel

Without even the distant circle of reassuring light.


Was it envy,

hatred, self pity, acrimony?

Negative attitudes and emotions

That  entomb you

forever in that dark place.


Why walk in the shade

When you can cross over

to the sunny side of the street?

Optimism, confidence, enthusiasm.

Self respect, dignity

They come from deep within.

Positivity will always win

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